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 Bring back the true value of your home 


With complete remodel & renovation, we accomplish the vision you have in mind with our expertise.  Together we are able to build a budget friendly project and get amazing results, under a reasonable time. 


14 years ago, we established 4G'S Construction to show Colorado the work we can do with a budget that works for our client. Final results speak for themselves. 

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Remodel & Renovation process

These are the steps we take to provide a smooth and quality service to our new clients. We ensure full communication through the whole process to provide the client a stress-free experience

Introduction & Concept

We sit down with our client and get to know them a little. Introduce concepts of the project to get a good vision of what is possible 

Plan & Budget 

We provide a solid estimate of the project, working with the client to get their vision within budget.

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